Say hello to one of our latest newborn models, little Merrin! At just under a week old, this little girl was sacked out during her entire session. Y'know, we love sharing these first few moments with our newborns, but even more so the mommies and daddies! Those first few days following childbirth are exhausting, exhilarating and exciting. Take this image below for example. Merrin's mommy and daddy are just glowing, aren't they? We know they couldn't be more elated and absolutely in love with their baby girl!
We'll be sharing more of this little cutie in the near future!
Proud mommy and daddy pose with their newborn for their first family portrait
And we also love it when client's bring something personal to include in their portraits. Like this antique toy chest, which, if I remember correctly, was Merrin's grandfather's when he was little. How cool!
newborn on antique toy box (headband crafted by Michelle)
just baby ... with headband made by Michelle!